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Certified Insurance Service Representatives

An inspiring professional faculty, nine ONE-DAY courses to choose from, a curriculum that's tailored to your region—all these features make the CISR Program a truly superior education opportunity. To earn the CISR designation, you must complete any five of the nine courses and pass the five exams within three years. Then, to keep your designation, you must update each year with additional continuing education courses offered by The Alliance through FAIA.

The courses are reasonably priced and available as webinars and are approved for CE credit for all 50 states. An optional exam is available online at 4:15 p.m. the day of the class through the following Thursday on your PROfile on the Alliance website.

James T. Harrison, Jr., Scholarships Available

Scholarships are available for participants who are employed full-time in the insurance or risk management industry. It is recommended that the applicant has a minimum of two years industry experience. The scholarship only provides the registration fee – no additional expenses. Scholarships applications should be submitted by June 1st and December 1st and will be awarded by the end of that month.The scholarship must be used within 12 months of receiving the award.


CISR Courses: Choose 5 of 9

  1. Agency Operations: This course can transform you into an indispensable team player in any insurance agency or give you confidence to move into another position. 
  2. Commercial Casualty I: Gain confidence with commercial casualty exposures and coverages and learn the CGL policy inside and out.
  3. Commercial Casualty II: One objective of this course is to clarify who is and who is not an insured in specific situations as defined by the Business Auto Coverage Form.
  4. Elements of Risk Management: An effective risk management program adds value to an organization and helps it achieve its goals.
  5. Insuring Commercial Property: Gain a grasp of the types of commercial property, be able to identify parties with an insurable interest, and understand the difference between direct and indirect loss.
  6. Insuring Personal Auto Exposures: Identifying the right personal automobile policy and being able to modify it appropriately are skills valued by clients and their families.
  7. Insuring Personal Residential Property: Nothing hits home more than a personal lines loss. Client retention depends on developing relationships and learning to identify the specific exposures each client contends with.
  8. Life & Health Essentials: While Personal Lines business may be your primary focus, cross-selling life and health products is a proven revenue generator and client retention tool.
  9. Other Personal Lines Solutions: Get ready to learn about the property and liability coverage provided—or not provided—by the homeowners policy for recreational vehicles.

Registration Information

If you are not already in the FAIA database, you must first request a login before you can register. After you complete the request, an email will be generated for you to create a password so you may register. If you need help with registration, email Christy Stacey.