Licensing and Study Tools
34th Edition Now Available
If you have any questions about your order contact Troy Simmons at tsimmons@faia.com or (850) 893-4155 ext. 385.
The new 34th edition of the Florida General Lines Agent, Personal Lines Agent, Adjuster, and Industrial Fire and Burglary Study Manual is available.
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Study Manual
All Property & Casualty study manuals have been combined into a single publication containing the essential information needed to pass the following licensing exams:
- 2-20 General Lines,
- 20-44 Personal Lines Agent
- 6-20, 7-20, 70-20 All Lines Adjuster
- 3-20, 73-20 All Lines Public Adjuster
Order Study Manual
Flash Cards
FMS offers flash cards to help those studying for the 2-20 or 4-40 exam. More than 200 questions cover every area that may come up in the state test.
Order Flash Cards
Exam Workbook
The Florida Insurance Exam Workbook for general lines agents includes more than 500 review questions, four sample exams, and many real life examples to help you better understand the material.
Order the Exam Workbook