Florida’s Future Insurance Leaders

Florida's Future Insurance Leaders is a leadership immersion program designed to attract high caliber agents and help them develop through education and mentorship to become future leaders in the insurance industry and their community. The program is offered every other year. 

2023-2024 Program Sessions

Throughout the program year, participants are encouraged to volunteer for FAIA Council Task Forces, to be active in their local YAC zones, local boards, and in their communities. In addition to these volunteer activities, the program includes several structured sessions throughout the year. 

IA-MBA September-November 2023
FAIA has partnered with GoalMakers to bring a streamlined, fully virtual version of a traditional MBA curriculum in the new FAIA IA-MBA Program. Through the program, you can learn, understand, and apply the best practices of organizational leadership and business finances and get access to the knowledge and resources you need to improve your business immediately. Designed for existing and aspiring managers, the training will enhance your professional knowledge to help you and your team thrive.

Capitol Days & YAC Political Summit, January 2024-Tallahassee
Held the week of Capitol Days, this session includes training in political action and the legislative process, meetings with legislators, the YAC Golf Tourney, and the YAC Political Summit.

Convention Networking and Carrier Relationships, June 2024
Held the week of the Convention and Education Symposium, this session provides opportunities for networking and informal meetings with mentors. Attendance is required for all Convention-related YAC events.

Council Leadership, August 2024
Held in conjunction with the FAIA Summer Leadership Conference.

YAC Sales & Leadership Conference, September 2024
Professional Development training and graduation, Tampa Florida

Criteria for Admission

The application for the 2023-2024 class is now available. Please review the criteria below and submit applications by July 24, 2023

  • Participation is open only to existing members of the FAIA Young Agents Council.
  • Candidates must be sponsored and supported by their agency.
  • Candidates must have a minimum of three years in the insurance industry, with preference given to those with five years or more.
  • Maximum age of candidate: 40 years.
  • Candidates may be invited to apply by prior graduates of FFIL, or FAIA leaders including current and former board members, agency owners, or local board officers. Candidates can also apply on their own.
  • Candidates are required to submit a completed application, a letter of commitment signed by the applicant and sponsor, and there is a $50 application fee we will bill you for.

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