Professional Liability/E&O Coverage

Exclusive access to our Swiss Re admitted program, formerly known as the Westport program, as well as access to almost any E&O market (both admitted and non-admitted) makes FAIA Member Services an agent’s go-to resource for professional liability insurance. Florida’s largest and established Professional and Management Liability program, FAIA Member Services is focused on helping member agents get the coverage they need at a competitive price. 

The Swiss Re program has a proven claims-paying track record, is a fierce advocate for claims handling and coverage interpretation, and offers the kind of outstanding service that comes with FAIA membership and more than 50 years of experience in the agency E&O space. Agencies insured by our Swiss Re admitted program can count on superb customer service should they need to file a claim.

Through our IIABA endorsed brokerage firm, FMS has also established relationships with several admitted and non-admitted carriers to serve members who may be ineligible for placement in our Swiss Re admitted program or want to look at additional options outside of our Swiss Re admitted program.

Apply for E&O Coverage

To apply for coverage:

  1. Complete the online digital application.
  2. After completing the online digital application, please email the agency’s 5 year current valued E&O loss runs to Jamie Arnold; fax to 850-893-8002; or mail to FAIA Member Services, Attn:  Jamie Arnold, PO Box 16579, Tallahassee, FL 32317.
  3. If you would like to approach additional markets outside of Swiss Re, please complete and return this line of business breakdown to Jamie Arnold at or fax it to 850-893-8002. 
  4. Is this a new venture/start-up agency? If so, please upload the agency owner’s resume along with the business plan with the online application submission.

A confirmation email will be sent once the application is received.

Swiss Re Admitted Program

The FMS Swiss Re Admitted Professional Liability program (formerly known as the Westport program) accommodates the needs of insurance professionals who are exploring different income-generating activities. Built on a modular design, a standard set of terms and conditions forms the basic E&O policy, to which agents add multiple coverages for their diverse operations and exposures. The various units are combined into a single policy, providing seamless coverage for many exposures, including contractual liability and mutual funds sales.

See Highlights